The Surveillance Bill

If this surveillance bill is passed, your government are going to know so much about you. I hear some of you say, "I don't mind, I have nothing to hide". The truth is that's what you're meant to believe; so you hand over your personal life as if it's to be shared.

It's absolutely irrelevant to not be alarmed by this just because you've never done anything illegal; you've paid for all your MP3s from I-tunes etc. and 'you thought' Game of Thrones was on Putlocker because the producers put it there etc. What I'm pointing out is that the most innocent of information can be used in a number of ways that will adversely alter your lives and unless you 100% agree and obey the regimes of our politicians every step of the way (generally this seems to be make them richer, you poorer); you're opinions will be under scrutiny.

Who are the dangerous people here? Something as innocent as your shopping habits, your work, finances, health and family connections... once shared can be a major threat to your identity, one that can be used against you to help them with their primary economic regime. If this information falls or is put into the 'wrong hands' then the potential threats to your personal security are going to be even greater. So... do you trust that the government are the 'right hands' and that with so much of your information they will not ever use it against you for financial gain? I certainly don't but if your answer is "yes", firstly I'm going to invite you wake up, then I'm going to ask if you trust them to protect that private information securely and to protect your identity? Can you trust the government not to lose or sell this information to someone who offers them a healthy pay-off? - they've done this many times before (privatisation for just one example). I'm not talking about empathetic creatures here but the profit-making-elite, large-businesses and politicians. Even if you have no concerns with allowing national level snooping without trial, please consider my view, it is  shared by a large number of other critics and independent journalists.

Please share this information today and stand up for your personal freedoms, those of your children and the next generation. Do not automatically believe the hype of how this is going to make the world a safer place. If that were true, planes would have stopped falling out of the sky by now: we've had 15 years to review that one.

Here is an article from The Guardian that originally made me think about this.
