Scam alert: The Facts About The EU Referendum (with sarcasm)

Please excuse my title if it is in any way misleading although, there's a completely fair reason for that...

I am disgraced at the bias propaganda that I received this morning regarding the EU Referendum. The timeliness of arrival for this leaflet (pictured) was incredible as it arrived with my voting card for a local election.

As you can see the leaflet propagates itself as an official document relating to my polling card. I only had to read one line before I realised that this was not the case. The tactics used by the producers of this propaganda to intentionally mislead those who receive it was an all time low as far as I'm concerned.

My blog isn't going to tell you as to if or not you should vote for the UK to remain in the EU, this isn't my point. My point is that whatever you decide, don't be fooled by this Limited company "Vote Leave Ltd." when making your decision.

As someone who edits documentary and therefore needs a pretty sound overview of the media structure and how it should work to inform the audience with some integrity; "The Facts" leaflet really rubbed me up the wrong way. It has no integrity yet it propagates itself as an official document.

You might think it doesn't 'attempt this' (and I'm pleased if you don't as they haven't brainwashed you yet) but here are a few of the manipulative things that I feel are present in this document.

1. The design of the piece is in almost similar font to the font that is on your polling card, it's also set up in a way that makes it look like a voting card; things in boxes, basic print, uses little colour. Yes this could be a coincidence, what else...?

2. The timeliness of arrival with my voting card... it may have been just me; so I'll assume this is a coincidence as well.

3. The title "The Facts" - that is no coincidence. It's a poor edit at best. THE Facts suggest that you are getting just that, not a bias voting manipulation ploy (otherwise known as junk mail). Well some of the paragraphs within may indeed be facts but to say these are "The Facts", I think that kind of suggests that you won't need to know any other facts anyway. 'THE' Facts are not all here. A more appropriate title would be "Some Facts" - at absolute best.

4. All but one of the eight alleged facts are written to completely persuade you against voting to stay in the EU. Not surprising when you read the small print and try to understand from where this junk came in the first place. The small print is "Vote Leave Ltd" and the web address should you want to know more is an "org" not a "gov" address. If you wanted the facts fairly, even considering the Panama Papers, you'd probably get considerably more factual information from the government anyway. As the government work for us, the electorate, they'll most likely avoid informing you of anything if they do/don't want you to do something. They'll use third parties and the media to persuade you without responsibility. It happens all of the time.

Ok so to actually look at the media in question which is identical to the [currently only one page] website and give some analysis as to why this is not facts at all but bias propaganda. The whole quote (which is centralised and in small print) is from their website [accessed 6/4/16]. There must be some advertising rules somewhere or canvassing laws making this illegal and to those in the know maybe something can be done to deter other companies registering on behalf of a public interest to be unregulated in their output. I've put everything with no reference in italics, I've also highlighted where I feel persuasive and manipulative techniques are being used in order to brainwash the reader. The highlighted words would not be necessary in an unbiased factual report. My, somewhat sarcastic, narration (in blue) is merely my uninformed thoughts other than anything else. Where I am asking questions suggests that I'm not being given all of the facts I need to make a fair decision.

On 23 June, there will be a vote to decide whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union, or leave and take back control. It’s a big decision – and there may not be another chance to vote for years. Here are the facts: 
Have we lost control? I don't follow, please be more specific. Should I be a.scared or b.terrified? 
The UK joined the European Union in 1973. Back then, it was known as the Common Market. But over the past 43 years, the EU has taken control over more and more areas which don’t have anything to do with trade – such as our borders, our public services, and whether prisoners have the right to vote.
Actually it was known as the European Economic Community in 1973, not what you said. I thought we have control of our borders, we are 'Non Schengen' - I think that means it's our own fault if we don't like our immigration controls. This isn't an immigration argument anyway is it? Voting to leave Europe doesn't automatically conclude that I support the UKIP, merely that I would support UK independence. It's about world trade...  you said that yourself in paragraph one. Now you're confusing. I think you'll find that we still control our public services... If we don't how come I got a voting card for my local police (the sheriff of South Holland District Council) only this morning? Strange. Sounds like a lie. We privatise many of our services anyway, is that a good thing? Maybe but all I see is that it gives the government a chance to pay more towards something they could have dealt with internally. We need our dictators regulating. Maybe we need a common regulator? Why are you suggesting that I don't need regulation on things such as the NHS and public services? Are you going to explain why on earth regulation of the many isn't better than a totalitarian dictatorship? Prisoners being given a right to vote... well actually that's fair enough isn't it (if you look at the bigger picture); surely this avoids a police state where all of us are imprisoned to support privatised prison services? It's just a crime shop, prisons make loads of money, you know this right? I'm intrigued...
When we joined, there were just 9 member states
Now there are 28, the most recent being Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia.  
Five more countries are being considered for membership: Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey.
If they are let in, they will have the same rights as other member states.

How wonderful? Human rights for human beings. Sounds ace. Ooh even better for regulation; now we have a democracy of 28 member states rather than 9. Even better. So the EU is evolving and stabilising the lives of our European neighbours whilst creating an economic superpower at the same time. Blimey, don't tell the Americans they have a smaller market than us because if we get out of the EU, they can probably buy us anyway. We needed help when we went into the ECC as we were having a trade crisis. We got married to them then but now they helped us out, yeah screw them. Totally get your logic... take through the bad times, don't share through the good times. Are you going to tell me they are all coming over here and taking our jobs/benefits...? Have you actually looked at the immigration to emigration figures because I think you should? All of the legal European immigrants that I've spoken to (lots) aren't claiming benefits. Just sit at home and chill nationals, they're paying more into the system than they're taking out. To summarise this means we work less and get more. If we leave... Who's going to help us out if we get into trouble? Our purchasers? What will we have to give them... what do we actually make? Is it really just Hob Nobs?

More than half of net migration to the UK comes from the EUMore than a quarter of a million people came to the UK from the EU in the 12 months to September 2015 – the equivalent of a city the size of Plymouth or Newcastle in just one year.

Yes I said check the figures but as you're going down this road, I'll tell you myself, about 180,000 left, about 225,000 came in. Plymouth - never been, is it as big as London? Not exactly sure why an increase of about 50,000 persons in a population of 64,100,000 (0.07%) should make me worried. If our services or communities are failing because of an increase of 0.07% not sure that we should be looking to the borders for where to point the blame.

While we’re in the EU, the UK can’t make trade deals on our own

Yes it can. Does anyone want to buy a video? I don't care where you live. I need the money. You can buy a million of them if you like. If I don't like our agreement I won't sell them to you but I might sell them to my allies instead. I suppose I'd benefit from local control regarding tax when it comes to export. I won't actually have that control though, my government will. They might put it down but they can also put it up  if they aren't regulated... If the tax is lower here then you get a deal but if it's not you won't. Leaving the EU has as much chance to help us export as it does to hinder us. It just depends if independently we change our tax to compete doesn't it? This is one of the reasons why I'm not sure how to vote, nothing to do with the other lies. Are we going to export more or less to Europe?

This means we currently have no trade deals with key allies such as Australia, New Zealand or the USA – or important growing economies like India, China or Brazil. Instead of making a deal which is best for the UK, we have to wait for 27 other countries to agree it.

My export tax is regulated at the moment by the EU isn't it? But I'm not sure what we actually make. I don't think we make a colossal amount. I know British Standards and specifications are amongst the best in Europe. Will we have to buy things in at a higher price if we leave? What about manufacture, aren't we best off just re-boxing other countries goods and reselling them? Can't we do that anyway? And do the Chinese even like Hob Nobs anyway? Will they still be fresh and unmelted once they make it to China?

The EU costs us £350 million a weekThat’s enough to build a new NHS hospital every week of the year. We get less than half of this money back, and we have no control over the way it’s spent – that’s decided by politicians and officials in Brussels, rather than the people we elect here.

Show me your working out please. I need to know if Panama or Barabados was involved when reaching this figure. The NHS, already mentioned that, it's a good job it's not privatised... look at the medical bills in the US. Although if it's privatised we can pay more to get the same service and we can increase tax. Oh hold on both of those would make my life more difficult. Keep the NHS and stay in the EU. Or leave the EU and build an NHS hospital every week. Well that's an easy decision if it has to be made. There's absolutely NO WAY we could staff and pay for a new hospital every week without increasing tax or privatising (and then increasing tax even more anyway). Where are we going to get these people? Panama? Barbados? We're going to need a lot of immigrants to fill in those professional roles? Is there another option, that doesn't cost me more money. Everything you've said so far all points towards tax increases and dictatorship rule. Why the hell would I want that?

You don’t have to be a member of the EU to trade with it

You've repeated a fact but worded it differently. See paragraph 5.

Switzerland is not in the EU and it exports more per person to the EU than we do. The big banks and multinationals might be lobbying to keep us in the EU, but small and medium-sized businesses feel differently. Only 6 per cent of UK firms export to the EU, yet all have to abide by EU regulations on their business.

I want these businesses that export to the EU to explain to me the why's and how's. I don't know if those will override all of the other factors when making my decision or indeed how significant such decisions are politically because no one ever informs me. This is one of the things I need to be told. Switzerland is so expensive, I guess we would be too if we're successful outside of the EU. This could actually be beneficial but it will undoubtedly affect tourism. I run a small business - don't tell people how I feel please, you can't speak for me. Is 6% bad? It doesn't look incredibly bad when I look at figures from the global economy. I'm beginning to think we export more than Hob Nobs now.

EU law overrules UK law. 
This stops the British public from being able to vote out the politicians who make our laws. EU judges have already overruled British laws on issues like counter-terrorism powers, immigration, VAT, and prisoner voting. Even the Government’s proposed new deal can be overturned after the referendum: it is not legally binding.

...Thankfully. I don't want Marshall Law - personally. If I think a new law is daft, I want other people to come to a democratic conclusion before it's implemented. The democracy should be about the law and not the person/party who was elected and proposed it. Most of the laws are actually suggested by the EU and it is up to our parliament as to if they are implemented. Take the smoking ban for an example, it was suggested by Brussels... we did not have to implement it. The UK government was given extra money to implement it (legal bribery) and so they did. It was still the UK that agreed in the end. Regardless of if or not it's a good thing... you should consider the number of public houses that went out of business and how our culture was drastically altered just because our government was offered a pay off.

There are risks in voting either wayExperts, politicians, and businesses are divided. People have to weigh up the risks and potential benefits of each course of action for themselves.

The first genuinely unbiased statement you've made. Did you just put that there to make yourself look legit and bothered about how I'm likely to vote? If I take your leaflet as fact then I'm surely going to vote to leave the EU. After reading your leaflet, I'd be mad not to but this is why it bothers me so much because you have been so biased and manipulative. Other people will think you've told them the facts, you haven't really told anyone much at all. I've filled out your survey on the back asking me how I'm going to vote and I'm going to spam you as well, thank you ever so much for the Freepost address.

7th Floor
Westminster Tower
3 Albert Embankment

I genuinely haven't made my mind up, I think devils advocate (to devil's media) is sometimes the most affective way to debate the best option and as I said earlier, I'm not trying to persuade you one way or the other I just think that this should be shared and shown for the scam that it is. There are other reports about this companies incompetence, here's just one. I believe in the intelligence of people, when presented with 'the real facts' to make an informed decision as to how they will vote and I have no intention as to suggest how you should do that. It would be nice if a similar amount of integrity was reflected throughout other channels of media and through our politicians (who work for us) but I don't expect that it will ever be completely transparent. This particular one annoyed me mostly because it behaves as if it is legitimate but it's not. It presents the public with bias information that, and unless they notice what I notice, will persuade them to vote leave. Fair decision if you believe that you have been presented with all the facts.

You might think that to be annoyed by this media that I have already made my mind up on my personal referendum decision. Well actually I haven't. This is why when I was presented with the leaflet pictured above that I initially thought now I can see the pros and cons for deciding either way. That wasn't the case and I don't want other people who are undecided to be tricked into supporting this ethos without reading the small print or understanding the vested interest of the company behind the statements made.

For the exposure that this blog has given of your fine company and the two hours it has taken of my time, please will you answer my questions and eliminate your biased opinions before supplying a free and fair booklet containing the facts next time. I should probably send my invoice to your Freepost address. I'll be able to answer your question "How do you think you will vote in the referendum on 23 June" when you actually give me some quality information - Thanks. I don't mind people debating anything in the comments section but be nice and fair, unlike this junk that came through my letterbox.

Maybe some of the comments will make sense prior to 23rd June.

The Huffington Post also reported that others felt Vote Leave Ltd. were deceptive.
