Upgrading to Yosemite? - Maybe if you have an iPhone.

Yosemite desperately wants me to get an iPhone...
There is absolutely no way that I will be getting an iPhone. Please don't go iOS on me Apple, the iPhone/Glitter Brick is your downfall. It doesn't do half the things that I want a phone for but does a lot of things I wouldn't want a phone for. It's seriously bloated (although I do quite like U2).

I'm not sure which model this is, I think it's the same model as all of them (but in Gold).

The day I buy an iPhone is the day it works better and more practically than an android phone. I don't buy for branding or marketing or those "look at me with my IPhone" opportunities, I buy for practicality. An iPhone is currently the PC equivalent of the phone world - everyone has one and not because it's good. Next time you buy a phone, consider whether it is practical for you first. I will also take my own advice next time I consider upgrading my Operating System.

A lot of iPhone users are tricked to believe that they look as cool as this.
- Yes it's Magnum on his 80s Glitter Brick

Certain things that I expect from a phone as standard:

  • Not having to hold it a certain and impractical way to be able to get a good reception and use it as a phone.
  • Being able to send text messages easily and without downloading extra software (ie Swype)
  • Normal sized sim cards that work all over the world without hassle

What I will get with an iPhone
  • A shiny, over-priced, easily pimped, heavy brick with an Apple logo on it.
  • A U2 album

The main reasons I don't want one
  • I use two standard size sim cards (at the same time)
  • I already have a MacBook Pro that I can carry with me where and when necessary - it has more U2 on it
  • Value for money. I'd rather spend the savings that I make buying Android going out with my friends.

What I do expect from my Operating System
  • The option to plug in things that I want and to keep it running fast unless I personally decide to 'bloat' it.
  • Ease of use
  • Secure and well designed software.

What I've got with Yosemite
  • Slower operating speeds (rebuild now necessary)
  • The ability to connect with my iPhone (that I don't want)
  • A lot of software not working (without some serious patching - some unreleased)

There is already Bluetooth (and Airdrop) software to do the things that Yosemite does without Yosemite although I haven't used it since Leopard.

Conclusion, if you have an iPhone, Yosemite is a good idea. Likewise, if you have little technical knowledge or time to set up a lot of the technical things yourself.

Comments are enabled and therefore troll mode is 'on', but dear Apple iPhone supporters; we've heard it all before. This isn't a Mac versus PC argument, we know which is better. It's an Android versus iOS argument and the reasons Android is better than iOS outweigh by far.

How about we just start getting the best software and best value for what we use... I mean surely this was the original concept of the Mac. You paid for a better OS not a shinier brand. I'm as neophobic to buying IOs as an IOs customer is to buying android, yet I keep my eye on things behind the branding.

I'll quite simply buy iOS when it's the most practical phone OS.

Isn't branding amazing!?

My own branding / Plug
Now if it convinces some of the iPhone users to buy a Mac, then they are on to a winner; it's just a shame the original market of practical purchasers have been getting forgotten since Steve Jobs went. My guess is that he'd make sure the phone was right before he mixed it with the masterpiece OS.

If you are an Android owner and thinking of upgrading to Yosemite anyway and don't rely on your previous software to work yet: Dialogue might help you although it's not free and the reviews are bad. There used to be a free one which seems to have vanished - it worked effectively so if anyone knows what that is, please comment below. BTW I'm in no way affiliated with Dialogue, nor have I received sponsorship for this blog. I just create content.


  1. Thanks Ash. As a happy android user I've never heard of Yosemite but your blog gave me a few good chuckles.

  2. Thanks Daniel. Yosemite is the new Apple OS for their desktop range. It is an upgrade available to those using Apple Mavericks. It was in beta but now it is general release. It is still quite buggy and not particularly user friendly (unless you use an iPhone). It is Apples equivalent of Windows 8 (the original Windows 8 that is, the one that they are trying to write out of history).


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