A Note Regarding Mass Audience (or something along those lines)

The following note is my reflection from the attached link.

Presently and for a few years now, I have found myself embarrassed to say "I'm British" - this shame does not always come from the politics, but very often it's the public that follow bad examples and gossipy opinions as if they have no mind of their own. Of course I realise that the 'popular' British public don't generally buy newspapers or embrace non-mainstream media that tell them how wrong they are but instead choose to buy newspapers that tell them 'how to be/think wrongly'. If you didn't realise how wrong many of the popular British philosophies are, then I would really like you to read the following article and then check that you do not allow this stupidity to emanate from yourself. I am hopeful that we can as a culture be recognised for our many achievements, basing our opinions on logic and fact rather than assumption and or small mindedness.

Of course you don't have to do this but as someone that travels regularly, it would be really nice if I could be proud when I next say that "I'm British" rather than being embarrassed by what "British" actually has become. I can assure all of you that I try to portray a good example of what I call home when I do travel and I represent England in a respectful and proper manner. I don't mention the Jeremy Kyle, drunken football hooligan type or the fact that we have some of the highest teen-pregnancy rates in Europe. I don't mention that we work endless hours yet have some of the smallest homes in the world nor do I mention the ever increasing income disparity that is forcing our mass culture into poverty. I don't mention that a large portion of our population support and vote towards a fascist political protocol and an increased police presence rather than the fairer alternative of a better cultural education and more liberal increase in entertainment. Instead I try and uphold that we are in fact a country that does respect all and offer opportunity to all men and women as equal. Surely it is more important than we can be sure we are doing the right thing as a collective rather than just agreeing with others that assume some of the incorrect things written about it the below article. This week an American man spoke to me and he commented on how bad this country has been since the arrival of many foreigners; hmmmm....

Anyway; I know for some people that a change of thought process is really hard and that times have changed since they were young but that is not a good enough reason to avoid stepping out of your comfort zone so we can all live together in as much peace as is possible. I really would appreciate this as I'm really very very fed up of being embarrassed from my own culture because like everyone else; I didn't make the politics, I didn't decide what colour my skin was, I didn't write the bias fear-mongering news stories and I didn't decide where I was born; I'm not a criminal but am being made to feel victim because I was born in England and quite honestly that makes me very embarrassed. I'm not trying to alienate people as if you are on my friend' list or if you read what I have to say then I welcome you as 'a friend'; I always treat my friends with upmost respect and will always do what I can to maintain such. I also do not mind if you wish to debate any counter-arguments but all I ask is that they are based on facts; not necessarily what you saw on TV. As a visual editor I can assure you that opinions and facts are ALMOST-ALWAYS regularly polished and sculptured to the interested of the person paying the money; so it is also time not to believe everything you read about or watch in the media (including this). The point is to offer logical and sensible debate based on facts and also to recognise the difference between fact and opinion. If you purchase or consume bad media then you are supporting the continuation of this political regime. Ask questions and don't always assume that all who disagree with you even if the minority are the ones to blame. The minority is not always wrong and you can not assume intelligence to the masses as this article below debates without question.

