Documentary Making at the Grimsthorpe Festival

Nepalese Tea Salesperson (Product Placement)


The Ambassador of Nepal

At the end of last month, I was filming for a documentary about the Grimsthorpe Festival. This was the first time that any of the organisers had attempted to bring such a wide variety of music to a Lincolnshire venue. The festival is in aid of St Johns Ambulance. There were four music stages set in this beautiful location packed with so much cultural heritage. The festival was a large success and the plan is likely to be to expand the facilities available for next years festival, possibly to allow camping. I am pleased with the rushes and it was great fun working with members of St Johns Ambulance collecting all of the footage required. I interviewed 'his excellency' the Ambassador of Nepal which and to carry out such a prestige interview was quite nerve-racking but thoroughly exciting. I also got the chance to try out many cups of Nepalese tea which is really very tasty. There was also a fly-past by some aircraft from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Other entertainment included 'Drakes of Hazard'; a group of drakes that seem to be trained to perform 'stunts' (with the help of a couple of sheepdogs), many dancers, Falconry; with a display as well as a Classic Car show. I certainly hope to be going next year to what may be an up and coming Glastonbury? The documentary is aimed towards Channel 4 and BBC 4: more news on that at a later point.
