Sleaford Community Cinema

Please click ANYWHERE AROUND HERE if you would like to follow what is happenning at the Sleaford Community Cinema. It seems that by accidental genius and a little journalistic perfection that I am Google's top two answers for the cinema whereas I myself am now merely the Front of House manager for the place. I am no longer Treasurer and although I work closely with the Chairman on a number of events throughout the area, I am not Vice-Chair either.

I work contracts and freelance throughout the media industry for the Lincolnshire area and my profound bloggings are more focused around the work that I have been up to and less so of the group which I helped to set up last year. As I am still aware of what is going on for the cinema, I can happily let you know that the audience numbers are increasing to the shows and those involved have been very helpful including those at the Hub and especially all of those on the committee. We were all sad to see that the treasurer has left for pastures new after the very hard work that was put in and has helped the cinema in many ways. It is still essential that to maintain the cinema, that more funding is still sought or audience numbers even increase further. If you would like to be a volunteer and to help the cinema grow, please do get in touch.

Currently I am working a temporary contract as an editor for Teaching Art, part of the Society for All Artists, based just outside of Lincolnshire in between Grantham and Nottingham. They play slots on Sky channel 166 but if you don't have that and you are interested in art, you can find further details by viewing their Youtube channel which is HERE.

Other recent events are briefly explained below but include direction and some editing for a documentary to the subject of health and fitness... more details to be released closer to the time and also a script for a non-smoking public information video.

Staff required at present other than volunteers include casting calls for a television presenter around age 30 - 55 for a television programme and also two actors/actresses for the non-smoking video. The non-smoking public information video requires those who feel they can play organised criminals or casino goers.

Anyways, thank you for continuing to read my blog, the traffic is obvioulsy substantially high judging by the feedback that I have been receiving... please do stay informed if you can be part of any of the events or productions currently going on. The deadline for applications for any of the 'in front of camera roles' is 10th July 2010. Please contact me through this website or via my Linkedin if you are a networker, PR type, consultant or agent. This private blog is very public so unfortunatley I can't leave email addresses on here. I am very happy to hear from those who have an interest in online journalism, plugging and networking.

Further detailed updates of the SCC can be found on their page and limited information will continue to be found in future blogs.

Until some other time soon... we are a tweet away.
