March Updates

Work throughout March has been a relatively slow month and from talking to others within Media and Creative Arts - this appeared to be something of at least National concern, possibly more vast.

As to if or not a further descent into economic crisis was felt by other industries throughout the UK since it's deepest trough in Autumn 2009 is something I have limited knowledge of, or is it currently of personal interest to myself. I will add that the writings in these blogs are opinions expressed by myself as an author and not necessarily those expressed by any audience. This blog fits nicely into the description given by Wikipedia [Date as blog published] and bares many similarities. Wikipedia is of course known to academics as having particular flaws to it's content and very often this comes down to difference of opinion, sources which are not in agreement or just simply things that may be incorrect. I will however add that Wikipedia is so often a great starting point to begin research into topics, people or places and that its descriptions inspire the reader. The difference between the mistakes of Wikipedia and a personal blog is however that they are more often than not of scientific bias and not personally expressed qualitative bias. I do however hope to continue to act upon editorial judgement and responsible journalism as much as possible being fully aware that freedom of expression is limited within certain non-electronic based law. I hope that readers of this blog will research further into areas of dissatisfaction, with comment or query, and wish to let others judge for themselves whereas I will always remain neutral and base my opinions upon personal experience and true intelligence, gossip is not a word which I wish to include in my vocabulary.

The desperation for freelance employment within the editorial industry, both online and in print, seems to have been felt by others and the nature of financed projects currently under construction appear to be more corporate based rather than public based however it also seems that disposable income to many individuals is more available than it has been in recent months. Certain returns from organisations and other funding available seem to be gradually returning although as to if or not this will continue beyond the elections towards the end of May, is yet to be confirmed.

The numerous possibilities of the political stability throughout the UK that will conclude after elections is likely to have a major effect upon the services which are deemed important to whoever is next adopted as our grander XY sibling(s). Personally, I will not disclose where my vote will be cast, other than to say that certain results may increase the need of creative works and art throughout the country, and I would find it nice to see this reflected. Any political alterations can have a knock on effect to migration, tourism and culture.

The cost of travel throughout the UK is reaching a higher price than I ever remember and I have heard reports of 125p per litre of fuel. This added to improved primary marketing and assistance from third parties who I have previously mentioned has meant that there is an ever growing need for communities to to find satisfaction from their local areas from projects such as the Sleafrod Community Cinema.

The second film shown at Sleaford Community on Mother's day this month had a much more satisfying result with a greater turn out. Feedback from those who came to the Hub for the presentation was positive any criticisms were constructive. The marketing for SCC has greatly improved since the early stages of the group at the end of 2009 and this could perhaps correlate as much to the assistance provided by third parties such as the Hub and our box office as to the disposable income of our audience. Although teething problems were met during these early stages, I believe that the audience local to Sleaford are beginning to recognise that this is a great opportunity on their doorstep, not to mention much more financially viable than travel to other areas; especially with fuel as expensive as it is. Greater communication between the SCC and the Hub appears to show that it is now of mutual interest to continue developing this proposal further and now further funding has been granted meaning that both groups have greater opportunity to market themselves. Any further details of changes at the SCC over the coming months will be documented upon this blog and information of the next film to be confirmed will be shown here and on the group's Twitter page and website.

Other things currently in my personal pipeline include further productions with Ermine Street Project and an update on that will soon be given on this blog as to access to the films that are being produced.

Everything else is currently marked as 'top secret!' ;)
