Sleaford Community Cinema (The Aftermath)

Not half as many people showed up for the test screening as we had hoped the other day, which may or may not have been down to it being Valentine's day.

Unfortunately those who had agreed to control our largest marketing plans for the screening did not. Tickets were to be sold at the Hub in Sleaford, Lincolnshire. Outstandingly poor communication between the management at the Hub and their staff meant that until the BBC and local papers had helped to promote the event there were very few marketing opportunities that were taken advantage of.

Perhaps the most destroying factor of this was that there were posters printed for the screening but no effort was made to show those posters by the Box Office. An upsetting factor was that there were other posters of expired events which had still been given board space.

The service we received compared to that which we had been promised was all round poor and I question as to if other parties dealing with these people have received such bad service or whether it was down to any other vested interest the marketing team had in hoping the cinema would not acquire the audience desired?

Nonetheless we would very much like to thank those who did arrive at the event, many of whom were interested in becoming involved further, or requested to hear more of our future events.

Our next screening is likely to be in March and we will try our hardest to promote this ourselves so that we can be sure that we have helped ourselves in making this a successful venture.
